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INSP!R Africa, the network for social protection rights


BSPAN - Bangladesh Social Protection Advocacy Network

This platform was established in October 2017 by trade unions and NGOs who work on social protection for the working-class community. Besides improving the structure of the network and effective coalition building among the members and strengthening digital communication, BSPAN strengthens advocacy for universal social protection by linking with local and national platforms and lobby for the ratification of ILO Convention 102.OSHE foundation is the secretariat of BSPAN. 

GK - Gonoshasthaya Kendra

Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK) or “Peoples Health Centre” is an NGO with the motto “Grame Cholo-Gram Goro” which means “Let’s go to the Village and Build the Village” founded by progressive doctors in 1972. Vision is “Fate of the Country Depends on the Fate of the Poor” and “Development of the Country Depends on the Development of the Woman”.

Over the decades GK has brought healthcare to over 1 million – mostly poor and rural – people by setting up 43 health centers and seven hospitals. GK also trains and employs local people as health workers, of which there are now over 2,200. GK’s work achieved drastic reductions in infant mortality. GK also organizes income generating activities to help people with an income. GK introduced health insurance in Bangladesh and is actively involved in policy making.

NGWF - National Garment Workers’ Federation

NGWF strives for fair wages, better and safer working conditions in the garment sector and emphasizes equal rights for men and women. It is the largest national trade union of garment workers in Bangladesh and currently has about 60,000 members in over 1,200 factory committees. NGWF is active through 10 branch offices in 8 regions. Involving NGWF in the Clean Clothes Campaign also allows to sensitize consumers and brands manufacturing in Bangladesh to enforce safe working conditions and living wages.

Partner organizations

  • 1 NGO supporting health mutuals or social economy initiatives
  • 1 trade union
  • 1 national multi-stakeholder network on the right to social protection
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