Decent work

A pleasant and safe working environment, a sufficiently high salary to live a decent life, a workday with a maximum number of working hours and sufficient rest days. Decent work is a human right that a large part of the population still cannot enjoy.

Together with our partners we fight for decent work for everyone. By organizing people in social movements, by making people aware of their rights through awareness-raising and by providing professional training for better preparation for the labor market. Collective bargaining and policy influencing, guarantee better protection for every working person.

We connect our partners so that they are in a stronger position towards governments and companies. Together they strive to force companies to effectively respect labor rights and environmental standards throughout their supply chain. In addition, we lobby international organizations together for better working conditions. We also facilitate the training of union leaders so that more rights can also be enforced at the company level.


Want to know more about how we are tackling this fight? Labour rights - The rules of the game in the world of work (pdf)

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