Other collaborations


ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation

AIM -  International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies

IYCW - International Young Christian Workers

RIPESS - Intercontinental network for the promotion of social solidarity economy

CCC - International Clean Clothes Campaign



ANSSE - African Network for Social and Solidarity Economy

ITUC Africa - International Trade Union Confederation Africa

UEMOA - West African Economic en Monetary Union



YCW-ASPAC - Young Christian Workers Asia & Pacific

ITUC AP - International Trade Union Confederation Asia & Pacific

NTSP - Network on transformative Social Protection

AMRC - Asia Monitoring Resource Centre


Latin America

RIPESS LAC - Intercontinental network for the promotion of social solidarity economy Latin America & Caribbean

CSA - International Trade Union Confederation of the Americas

WMW - World March of Women

JOCA - Young Christian Workers of the Americas

EU-LAT Network

The EU-LAT Network is a pluralistic network of European movements and organizations that promote solidarity between the people of Latin America and Europe through advocacy actions to promote participatory European policies, with a gender perspective, that contributes to the comprehensive respect for human rights, democratization, and sustainable development in Latin America.


CNCD-11.11.11 - National Center of Development Cooperation

11.11.11 - Coalition of the Flemish North-South Movement

ACODEV - NGO Federation Wallonia

SKC - Clean Clothes Campaign Flanders

achACT - Clean Clothes Campaign Wallonia

CPDW - Coordination Platform Decent Work

HIVA-KUL - Research Institute for Work and Society

*MO Magazine - International news

RBRN - Belgian Network for Natural Resources



FES - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

CORDAID -  Dutch Catolic Development Organization

LO-FTF - Danish trade union council for international development co-operation

Bolivia India Benin Guatemala Indonesia Burundi Peru DR Congo Cambodia Rwanda Dominican Republic Philippines Senegal Nepal Burkina Faso Bangladesh Togo Guinea Mali Mauritania Belgium
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