INSP!R America latina, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Asia, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Africa, the network for social protection rights


PODDED - Plateforme des Organisations de Défense des Droits des Employés Domestiques

PODDED is a platform of 21 organisations created in April 2014 to defend the rights of domestic workers in Togo. It thus fights with them against exploitation and for the improvement of their living and working conditions. As such, defending their right to social protection is a priority, as is the protection of children.

SADD - Solidarité et Action pour le Développement Durable

Created in 2001, SADD is an association of 11 different organisations (local associations, trade unions, youth and workers' movements) that together form a vast citizens' movement to raise awareness of economic, social and cultural rights, demand that they be respected and encourage public authorities to legislate to better organise society. SADD is very active in the field of social, economic and cultural rights and focuses mainly on work in precarious situations: teachers in private education, craftsmen and young apprentices, workers in the free trade zone, mine workers.


WAGES is a microfinance institution (MFI) whose mission is to play an active role in the socio-economic development of the grassroots community and to help improve the living conditions of the Togolese people. WAGES mainly helps women from underprivileged urban or rural areas, by offering them microcredits that enable them to develop an income-generating activity (trade, agriculture, fishing). The institution also organises various training courses, such as literacy classes. But WAGES also has a broader impact on people's lives, for example by providing impregnated mosquito nets to its beneficiaries to combat malaria.

Partner organizations

  • 1 movement to defend domestic work
  • 1 socio-educational movement
  • 1 NGO supporting social economy initiatives
Bolivia India Benin Guatemala Indonesia Burundi Peru DR Congo Cambodia Rwanda Dominican Republic Philippines Senegal Nepal Burkina Faso Bangladesh Togo Guinea Mali Mauritania Belgium
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