INSP!R America latina, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Asia, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Africa, the network for social protection rights


FMP - Fédération des mouvements populaires

The FMP is an umbrella organisation of 5 organisations with nearly 39,000 members. Its mission is to defend and promote the socio-economic rights and interests of rural and informal sector workers. It develops training, awareness-raising and information activities throughout the country, as well as support for the socio-economic initiatives of grassroots groups. The FMP works to increase the incomes of over 150 groups (more than 1,850 individuals and households) through training in agro-breeding and beekeeping, as well as technical and financial support. It also helps its members to improve their incomes by granting and supervising micro-credits from their own funds.


CEFOTRAR is a project initiated in 1987 with the Belgian Development Cooperation. It provides training for young people who have dropped out of school or left school early. It offers over 350 young people training in carpentry, masonry, welding, tailoring, shoemaking and hairdressing and beauty care, giving them alternative access to the job market in the face of over-saturated agricultural jobs. After their training, CEFOTRAR supports the young people trained to ensure their successful integration into the world of work. It is also working to gradually become self-financing.

ARR - Association rwandaise des retraités

The RRA's vision is "A country where pensioners are respected, receive a decent pension and live in good conditions". With a view to defending the rights and interests of Rwandan pensioners, the RRA is developing a variety of strategies: advocacy, awareness-raising, promoting access to financial facilities and medical care, creating income-generating projects for its members, providing legal assistance to pensioners, and so on.

Partner organizations

  • 1 NGO supporting initiatives of social economy
  • 1 movement of eldery people
  • 1 socio-educational movement
Bolivia India Benin Guatemala Indonesia Burundi Peru DR Congo Cambodia Rwanda Dominican Republic Philippines Senegal Nepal Burkina Faso Bangladesh Togo Guinea Mali Mauritania Belgium
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