INSP!R America latina, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Asia, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Africa, the network for social protection rights


MUNASA - Mutuelle nationale de santé

Munasa is a health mutual that aims to offer its members quality healthcare at an affordable price, based on several strategies: awakening a spirit of mutual aid and solidarity, collaborating with healthcare providers to improve the quality of care, strengthening existing sections, creating new sections and strengthening members' capacity for self-development.

CSB - Confédération des syndicats libres du Burundi

CSB is an umbrella organisation of around ten trade unions working to improve the labour rights of Burundian employees. It offers them organisational and legal support. They are active in various sectors, such as education, insurance, transport, coffee production, breweries, etc.


The CBY was founded in 1944 to contribute to education, health and integral human development. Motivated by the lack of facilities for the elderly in Burundi, the congregation has developed a programme of psychosocial care for the elderly, which aims to combat loneliness, ill-treatment and any discrimination based on age.

ODAG Caritas Gitega - Organisation pour le développement de l’Archidiocèse de Gitega et Caritas

ODAG Caritas Gitega is a church-based organisation whose main aim is to improve people's health, but it also works on issues of law and justice. As part of an overall effort to combat food insecurity, ODAG offers microcredit and develops cooperatives. It works with local committees, which enable it to be in constant contact with the realities of the population in 3 provinces. Thanks to the mutual health insurance schemes it has developed, as well as its investment in various hospitals and health centres in the region, ODAG Caritas Gitega coordinates 16 local mutual health insurance schemes in the archdiocese of Gitega, which together have some 25,000 beneficiaries.


Partner organizations

  • 2 mutual health organization
  • 1 movement for the elderly
  • 1 NGO supporting mutual health organisations
  • 1 trade union
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