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Burkina Faso

CNTB - Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Burkina Faso

The Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Burkina was founded in 1949. As a trade union organisation, its mission is to work for the protection and promotion of labour, trade union and human rights. It has around 41,250 union members and provides legal assistance to its members, labour education and training, vocational training, and support for specific IGA groups.

MUFEDE - Mutualité Femmes et Développement

MUFEDE-B is a savings and credit cooperative run mainly by women. It was founded in 1996 and currently has over 50,000 members. Its mission is to support the emergence and socio-economic development of its members by supporting the creation of income-generating activities, promoting entrepreneurship and women's leadership, through appropriate micro-credit and savings products.

RAMS - Réseau d’Appui aux Mutuelles de santé

Created in 1999, the Réseau d'Appui aux mutuelles de santé au Burkina Faso is a Burkina Faso association recognised under the number 2000/166/MATS/SG/DGAT/DLPAP. It is now a national NGO whose mission is to promote and develop social mutuals in Burkina Faso. The network currently supports around thirty communal mutual health insurance schemes with over 20,000 beneficiaries and 3 regional mutual health insurance unions. Its head office is in Ouagadougou.

Partner organizations

  • 2 NGOs supporting health mutuals
  • 1 trade union
Bolivia India Benin Guatemala Indonesia Burundi Peru Dominican Republic DR Congo Cambodia Rwanda Philippines Senegal Nepal Burkina Faso Bangladesh Togo Guinea Mali Mauritania Belgium
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