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K-SBSI - Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Seluruh Indonesia

K-SBSI is a trade union confederation, founded in 1992, which brings together workers from a multitude of sectors. K-SBSI demands decent working conditions for its members, implements socio-economic projects in disadvantaged areas, and provides alternative income to its members. It also offers training on work-related topics. With its 550,000 members, K-SBSI is Indonesia’s largest independent trade union and a crucial player in social dialogue. K-SBSI negotiates with employers, the government and other unions for better social protection for all.

GARTEKS - Federasi Garmen Tekstil, Kulit dan Sentra Industri

GARTEKS is the federation of the clothing and textile sector within K-SBSI. It brings together around 50,000 workers and aims for better working conditions for Indonesian garment workers. In the textile industry, competition is fierce and multinational clothing companies do not hesitate to relocate their production centres, to China or Korea for example, to reduce the margin reserved for wages and working conditions. As a result, Indonesian workers are increasingly hired on temporary contracts to increase the flexibility of their work. In this context, it is difficult to intervene: anyone who demands better working conditions risks being made redundant and replaced by someone else. Unions like GARTEKS are therefore more necessary than ever to support these workers and form an effective counter-power in the event of abuse.

Partner organizations

  • 3 trade unions
Bolivia India Benin Guatemala Indonesia Burundi Peru DR Congo Cambodia Rwanda Dominican Republic Philippines Senegal Nepal Burkina Faso Bangladesh Togo Guinea Mali Mauritania Belgium
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