INSP!R America latina, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Asia, the network for social protection rights
INSP!R Africa, the network for social protection rights


CRISOL – Corriente de Renovación Integral y Solidaridad Laboral

CRISOL is an organisation that fights for the rights of workers by means of training and accompaniment in labour counselling to ensure respect for the right to freedom of association and access to social protection systems. 

CPMGA - Centro de Promoción de la Mujer Gregoria Apaza

It promotes awareness-raising and leadership training processes for political advocacy through actions that favour the recognition, enforceability and enjoyment of women's human rights, such as access to social protection and decent work.

SENTEC - Servicio de Enseñanza Técnica y Capacitación

SENTEC facilitates specialised technical training and implements programmes in traditional Bolivian ancestral medicine and complementary alternative therapies that contribute to promoting social promotion and protection actions focused on strengthening local human resources and the use of alternative energies.

Partner organizations

  • 1 training centre
  • 1 trade union
  • 1 women's movement
Bolivia India Benin Guatemala Indonesia Burundi Peru DR Congo Cambodia Rwanda Dominican Republic Philippines Senegal Nepal Burkina Faso Bangladesh Togo Guinea Mali Mauritania Belgium
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